Indonesia Nation State "Leadership Crisis"
written by IRSAD
at Jumat, Desember 07, 2012
Since 10 years back, Indonesia citizen saw many things was happen on this country. As 80's generation, I am feel so sorry to what happen to this country, today. The Indonesian identity of Nationality that relays on complex characteristics of culture and perspective has been tested to zero level of state existence. I do not want to say this situation is frustrated of leadership level, where we are very difficult to find the leader who has integrity and vision to what will contribute in order to prepare better generation. Most of action whether it refers a personal or group action tended to power of interest. It is difficult now to find ideal leader who are prioritize society rather than individual. And a leader that become an ideal figure of individual is going to develop this country not to consume this country. To find a leader who put this country as place of humanity do not put as commodity. Most of Indonesia and foreigner admitted Indonesia is not only rich on Natural resources but also cultural resources. But since 10 years back, Indonesian recognized as corrupted and violence country that is add another variant of "riches" that we have. The mentality of corruption recognized in level of young leader that positioned as political leader and public leader. Some other also, Indicated as imitated action and behavior that was gotten from previous generation of leader. Fortunately, One and two leader who is belong to similar generation try to against the image of corruption through action and consolidation. Once again, the illustration above brings us to see dilemma of the leadership crisis in Indonesia. And bring me to a conclusion, It may that we were not ready to be born in this country if it is only just to see poverty and injustice.(rn)

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