Women Perspective toward Egyptian society
written by IRSAD
at Senin, Desember 17, 2012
I start my writing talking about women and how much they are suffering in the masculine society in Egypt, how much they spend time just to prove that they can. But always men have another point of view; but after I wrote about ten lines I couldn’t complete what I begun not because I’m not sure from my view or my information; but because I ask myself a question: are the Egyptian society know have a rights? Are they known that they have rights after many decades from injustice? Are they now after the revolution knows that they have to be in better situation? After a lot of blood at every corner in the land of Mahrosa (1), do we have our freedom, or we lost our humanity? Do we have always to suffer from each other more than we suffer from the nature disaster? Sometimes I feel that the biggest disaster in human life is the human being. Can we live in peace with each other, can we as a human being deal with other in a human way, as they are our partner? In a trice I can say yes, of course but after a second of thinking unfortunately NO; I think it’s a hard question to be answer in a sentence or in a paragraph; As long as we look individual to our benefits while we build our society there is no hope. Now I have to brief my talk about Egyptian which I belong to them, proudly I’m Egyptian, proudly I’m Muslim , but for how much I will proud to be one of the poorest society; in the meanwhile one of the richest country in the world, earliest statistics show that 40% percent of the Egyptian under the poverty line. Ok I can believe that before the revolution when we had corruption in every organization starting in the top of the triangle through the bottom. But know after three years since the revolution which named “bread, freedom, society juiciest” we still haven’t enough bread... Just bread for all of the people. Now after the Islamic parties control most of the government we are keen to be alive not to eat not to feed. All old historian when they talk about Egypt they said “there is no minority, there is no ethics in Egypt every one drunk from river Nile begun to be Egyptian even the colonizer “ what happen to Egyptian they start to be vampire, they start to feeds on tragedy instead of bread (ga)
1. Egypt name in the Ottoman period, mean the guarded land by God
1. Egypt name in the Ottoman period, mean the guarded land by God
Source of photo: www.wataninews.com

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28 Desember 2012 pukul 01.46
this is great. Media seems never exposure alot about the role of women in revolution of Egypt. As well how they are taking important roles in rebuilding the country after revolution. I have watched a movie entitled Ashma,a HIV positive woman who declared her identity to public for the sake of challenging narrow minded and male bias society. From her, people came to know and pay attention alot to HIV/AIDs in Egypt