Prophet Birthday " Reflection on Existence of Islamic Values"
written by IRSAD
at Sabtu, Januari 26, 2013
The Rasulullah birthday is celebrated as cultural event of Muslim society in Indonesia. There are various model of celebration is conducted at grass root level. Most of the celebration is not only existing in ritual level that basically reminding as to socio-political history behind it's celebration, but also the celebration move to mythology and sacralization of Rasulullah, a prophet Muhammad. Writer is aware that acculturation can not be refused but consistency should be a principle of faith and belief. People were forgotten that the celebration of Prophet Birthday was coming from Shi'ah society that is part of Muslim civilization. But contradictory fact in Indonesia, the existing of Shi'a group in Indonesia seem unacceptable. The small community in this country that live since long time and they were available as Indonesia diversity of culture and religion. They are attacked and expelled from their land and property. If we see the other group such as Ahmadiyah has been treated with the same way, the way of people who actually is lack on Islamic understanding and principle. Writer do not want to claim as the only person who is understand on this religion, but writer is aware to Islam means "Peace". The philosophical substance of Islam as way of life is very easy to interpreted when people translate to any kind of word in the world. Than the question is, what is happen to this country, in my point of view, Muslim people of Indonesia is loosing their own nationality. The nationality of nation state that come from appropriate interpretation from Islam as religion. Or Muslim people and society has been infiltrated by group of people who claimed as Muslim to break Indonesia integration and nationality. Moreover, I am aware they are present in Indonesia bureaucracy and acted as government official who make and decide policy. (rn)
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