Islam and human responsibility as Khalifa
written by IRSAD
at Jumat, Februari 01, 2013
Indonesian faced corruption crisis, the situation that is not only appearing its phenomena at current time. But it was also happen since kingdom eras. Somehow, writer believe that religion came to Nusantara was by reason, not only came because of incidental condition, but by purpose. According to Antony Reid that was collecting various filed note from many sailor, and businessmen from 15 century. The book that writer want to give comment, not to the Antony Reid, but to Nusantara culture that is comparing with current situation and people belief. The first impression that writer got from the noted is Nusantara has been popular with its natural resources, not only a biotic one but also an abiotic such as gold and other mineral. Because of the richness many people came from the countries. Neither to have business transaction nor to occupy resources its self become a story of greediness that reflected from how that the history is developed. But the phenomena was actually not only occurring from the foreign or visitor, but also from local who live and populated at that time. Writer want to highlights the negotiation between executor and prisoner that show how the law can be exchanging with gold. A situation was happen publicly and witnesses by many people. Some report said it is common for people to do the kind thing of action, even though in front of Judge just now pronounces the execution. Thousands years after, the situation is happening again, where law can be exchange with money and pleasure that is transformed to new model and shape. A thousand year religion become idol of common people that offers a purity and civilization, but also a thousand years, many of people try to utilize the religious institution for political and business interest. Please allow me to use my understanding on Islam to analyze this situation. In my opinion, what was happen at Rasullullah era is an exception with Allah intervention. That is will not happen again at current time, except Allah want it. But what was happen at Rasullulah is only idol era where Islamic follower today can refer to defense their weakness and incapability to carry a responsibility of Khalifah. It is presumed that Islam are not fail but the followers are fail to understand the message of Islam. The Islamic expert has been failure to interpreted the Islam as way of life. It i almost a thousand year since Islam came to Nusantara, the change were not significant that impact to our culture of misbehavior. (rn)
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