Harassment against women in Egypt
written by IRSAD
at Selasa, Februari 12, 2013
The model now a day in Egypt to harasses women in public square while the demonstration is running to make them afraid; deadly afraid from participate in the demo. Not just harassed women but government thugs rubbed women. At the first of February more than 20 women was rubbed at the sacred square; liberty square; which name is “Tahrir square”, all the TV. Program talked about those events. And no one do nothing, people used to abused, use to heard the worse news about their women, and the question here is: why you- the girl- going to participate at the demo. ? It’s men work, not just men work, but it’s the work of the unemployed men, means its work of the work less the failing, they forget that by this kind of Demo. The old regime is end. As they said it’s protect-able to have just this inhuman act just because she want to say no for the corruption, and injustice. Not only that but they rephrase the situation by saying you want this to happen to you as you went there, “there” is not the jungle, there mean the squares between thousands of people, but she has not to go there because she .... I don’t know, why she can’t go there, it’s an question without any answer.
Today at 6th of February we have double demo. Call not for justice, freedom, live like human but it was calling for “PLZ DON’T RUBBED ME” that’s the situation of Egypt today, after two years of revolution which sought to social justice and a loaf of bread, we call now for what? ??? Shame on the president, the government the police. Shames on men everywhere not respect their mother, sister, wife, and daughter. Shame on life forget people how to live as a human being. (ga)
Source of Photo: El-youm el Saba news, 6th February 2013

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