Indonesia Sustainability on destiny of minority group in Indonesia
written by IRSAD
at Selasa, Mei 07, 2013
What is happen with Ahmadiyah, Syi'ah, and Christian worship house and people in Indonesia today, it also can happen to other minority group in Indonesia. A country with spirit of Bhineka Tungal Ika (differences but one) seem no more emerging as basis of value. Currently, The identity of religion and ethnic is going to be new problem of development that is coming from lack of management capacity and lost of law power. Most of Indonesian citizen may identify the root of the problem come from lack of integrity to Indonesia democratic process as nation. The leader are no more standing in truth but stand as individual who gain power and popularity to get rich and sustain their dynasty. It is shamed when we saw last few days, when many of NGO activist protest on World Statesman Award that give to Indonesia President. Meanwhile, they are many cases of government disappearance when violence toward Ahmadiyah, Syia'ah and Christian happen in order to remove their worship house is conducted by knowing group or unknown group. The ideal situation is when Indonesian president received the award the change shall be facts that are not debatable anymore. The change of justice, anti-discrimination and equal treatment of law to all of citizenship must more priority. whether they are minority, majority, individual, and group. This challenges of disintegration will not resolve if government let it go to public, and ignore the factor of constitution This challenge of disintegration will impact to public trust of security and peace in Indonesia. It is not only impact to government official but also government as institution. What is lack today, it is identified as lack of law enforcement for equality and welfare redistribution in development. Where Indonesia sustainability will be tested as a nation and country internally. (rn)
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